Publishing clearinghouse: ‘Movement + Music = Medicine’ by Pitt–Johnstown president


“Movement + Music = Medicine: Fight Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Parkinson’s” by Jem Spectar, president of Pitt–Johnstown

In "Movement + Music = Medicine: Fight Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Parkinson’s," Spectar writes about the looming threat of neurodegenerative diseases and the risk we all face. Spectar’s goal is to inform, empower and inspire people to develop a plan of action to help readers and their loved ones fight against these cruel and incurable disorders. Informed by relevant research, this book shows that movement or exercise, particularly when combined with music, can have a powerful impact on brain health. The scientific research is also illuminated and amplified by the lived experiences of people whose stories reveal how movement, exercise, and dance therapy are helping them in the struggle against neurological disorders. He hopes that readers or their loved ones will increase their understanding of the medicinal impact of rhythmic movement and develop "greater confidence to make decisions” to “improve their brain health" and gain “a fighting chance at a better quality of life.”


The University Times welcomes information about new books, journals, plays and musical compositions written or edited by faculty and staff.

Newly published works can be submitted through this link. Please keep the book descriptions short and accessible to a general audience.

Journals should be peer-reviewed. Self-published works will not be accepted. The listings also are restricted to complete works, because individual chapters, articles, works of art and poems would be too numerous.

We’ll also be highlighting some books and book talks with connections to Pitt.

If you have any questions, please contact editor Susan Jones at or 412-244-4042.