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June 26, 1997

Pitt helps to train Chinese educators

Pitt's School of Education has joined with the National Academy for Educational Administration (NAEA) in Beijing to modernize higher education in China and train future leaders of that nation's universities.

"The colleagues we work with are training the presidents and administrators of universities where the future leaders of China will be educated," said James Mauch, director of the NAEA/Pitt program. Working with colleagues from NAEA, Pitt faculty members have helped the Chinese upgrade computer systems, introduce executive information systems, design case study research, initiate team teaching and seminar programs, arrange regional study tours and prepare new teaching materials.

Future projects include tying together the international higher education computer network. Created by Maureen McClure of Pitt's Institute for International Studies in Education, the network initially will focus on information sharing and consultation between the U.S. and China, then move to cooperative research and policy studies.

Financial support for the Pitt/NAEA program comes from the Asian Development Bank.

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