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July 23, 2009


To the editor:

The Staff Association Council realizes the entire University of Pittsburgh community has been impacted by the present recession and this has been demonstrated by the tuition increase dilemma. We fully support the efforts of Chancellor Mark Nordenberg and University administrators “who are actively engaged in trying to protect Pitt’s interests in the budget negotiations” with the state (July 7 University Update).

In June, SAC’s salary and job classification committee wrote a letter to Provost James Maher, chair of the University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC), proposing non-monetary compensation alternatives for staff in lieu of salary raises for fiscal year 2010. According to Provost Maher, UPBC will be discussing that letter at their next meeting in October.

Pitt staff fully appreciate all attempts that are being made by the University administration to stabilize the University budget during this recession. Please understand that we are first and foremost staunch advocates of the University’s mission and are indeed grateful for the efforts being made to safeguard staff positions in this uncertain economy.

Gwen Watkins
Staff Association Council

Editor’s note: Provost James Maher responded to a University Times query earlier this month about the SAC proposal for non-monetary compensation alternatives. See July 9 University Times.


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