Carbon use statistics for flights now available through Concur

If you’re flying on Pitt-related business and book through the University’s online travel booking tool Concur,  you can now see the carbon emissions — in pounds of CO2 — for all flight options.

Air travel made up 21.1 percent of the University’s emissions pre-pandemic, so reducing this number is a major part of Pitt achieving carbon neutrality by 2037.

“This new feature allows travelers to make informed decisions when booking travel, and it reflects the commitment we have in Purchase, Pay & Travel to work closely with Pitt Sustainability and the Pitt community to support sustainability initiatives,” Maureen Beal, assistant vice chancellor for financial operations, said on Pittwire.

The carbon emission feature in Concur will help the University to centralize tracking of this emission data. Flights booked outside of Concur cannot be tracked centrally.

“The new Concur data for flight-related carbon emissions enables the University to centralize tracking and reporting of this information. Accurate information is vital to understanding our true impact — and progress towards our established sustainability goals, including carbon neutrality by 2037,” said Aurora Sharrard, executive director of sustainability at Pitt.

Visit the following pages on the Purchase, Pay & Travel website for more details about the Concur carbon emission feature and supplier sustainability efforts, as well as the Travel and Expense Management Program and University-wide contracted suppliers for planning a virtual or hybrid conference or event.