De-stress with monthly events at Heinz Chapel

Pitt is hosting a new stress management mini-series for faculty and staff monthly in Heinz Chapel.

The 15- to 20-minute sessions are designed to de-stress your day. There’s no registration required for the free session, which all start at 12:15 p.m. Just drop in on any or all of the following dates:

  • Feb. 19, Chair Yoga. Participants will practice slow, gentle movements while incorporating mindful breathing in order to get the perfect balance of stretching and relaxation.

  • March 18, Mindfulness. This guided mindfulness exercise will offer tips on how to practice mindfulness in everyday life.

  • April 15, Guided Imagery. Imagine your happy place. It may be a beach, the middle of a forest, in a meadow, or just on a comfy couch. Guided imagery is a stress management technique that takes you to this place and allows you to immerse yourself in the setting. Listening to a track is beneficial when you are starting out. Once you’ve gained practice, it becomes easier to take yourself to that place, even if just for a couple of minutes to help lower your stress.