Fourteen dB-SERC Leader Award winners announced

Fourteen faculty members in the natural sciences and economics departments in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences were recently awarded the 2022-23 Discipline-based Science Education Research (dB-SERC) Leader Award.

The annual award recognizes the recipients’ valuable contributions to the dB-SERC faculty learning community and their active participation in many dB-SERC events during the last academic year. These faculty members have played a key role in the dB-SERC weekly lunch discussions focusing on innovative approaches to teaching and learning in the natural sciences and disciplines with similar norms such as economics.

The dB-SERC program promotes and supports evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning in Pitt’s natural sciences departments. More information about dB-SERC can be found here:

Leader Award winners

Meghan Bechman, Biological Sciences

Kristen Butela, Biological Sciences

Robert Devaty, Physics and Astronomy

Jennifer Ganger, Psychology

Sean Garrett-Roe, Chemistry

Burhan Gharaibeh, Biological Sciences

Joseph Grabowski, Chemistry

Barbara Kucinski, Psychology

David Nero, Physics and Astronomy

Kevin Shaver, Economics

Zuzana Swigonova, Biological Sciences

Tim Tseng, Chemistry

Eugene Wagner, Chemistry

Daniel Wetzel, Biological Sciences