‘Geographies of Kinship’ marks National Adoption Month

To mark National Adoption Month, the Pitt Adoption Community for Education will present the film “Geographies of Kinship” at 7 p.m. Nov. 10 in room 118E Mervis Hall.

The documentary by Deann Borshay Liem looks at the  rise of Korea’s global adoption program following the Korean War. Four adult adoptees return to their country of birth and recover the personal histories that were lost when they were adopted. Along the way there are discoveries and dead ends, as well as mysteries that will never be unraveled. 

What emerges is a deepened sense of self and belonging, as well as a sense of purpose, as the four protagonists question the policies and practices that led South Korea to become the largest “sending country” in the world — with 200,000 children adopted out to North America, Europe and Australia — and become advocates for birth family and adoptee rights, support for single mothers, and historical reckoning.

The Pitt Adoption Community for Education was formed last year to promote understanding of diverse experiences of adoption, including life as an adoptee and as a parent separated or joined by adoption. 

A discussion will follow the movie screening. Snacks and drinks will be available.