Pitt Press launches scholarly series — Between Asias and Americas

The University of Pittsburgh Press has launched of a new scholarly series: Between Asias and Americas.  

This new series will feature scholarship that bridges Asian studies and American studies, including Latin American studies and Asian American studies, while bringing into closer dialogue “area studies” and “ethnic studies” approaches to timely topics in a range of disciplines. 

The series intends to become a platform for work that explores the flows and fluxes of populations, affects, cultures, ideas, technologies, and goods across the national, regional, continental, and maritime borders that interlace multiple Asias and multiple Americas.

Between Asias and Americas invites proposals that investigate intercontinental interconnectivities involving West, Central, South, Southeast and East Asia; the Pacific Islands; and North, Central and South America, including the Caribbean. 

The series will be edited by Sonia Ryang, professor of Asian Studies, and Sidney X. Lu, associate professor of Transnational Asian Studies, both of Rice University in Houston. An international editorial board of distinguished academics will advise the editors and the Pitt Press on series matters.  

Inquiries should be directed to William Masami Hammell, senior acquisitions editor: whammell@upress.pitt.edu. Submission information is available on the University of Pittsburgh Press website. The series will publish monographs as well as edited collections and welcomes proposals from new and experienced scholars. Once up and running, the series aims to publish two to three books each year.  

Editorial board: Takashi Fujitani (University of Toronto), Pedro Iacobelli (University of the Andes), Junyoung Verónica Kim (University of Pittsburgh), Doreen Lee (Northeastern University), Bakirathi Mani (University of Pennsylvania), Lok Siu (University of California, Berkeley), Duncan Ryūken Williams (University of Southern California), Christine Yano (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)